Light Nebraska Whiskey

Using our lighter whiskey as a base. Our cinnamon whiskey isn't like chewing on a stick of big red gum, we added cinnamon at barrel strength, pulling out the charming elements of cinnamon. Light notes of cinnamon, extra woodiness from the cinnamon sticks and heavy tones of vanilla are the main notes of this wonderful whiskey. Our Cinnamon Whiskey would be perfect to enjoy on the rocks or to blend in with your beverage of choice.
ABV 35% Proof 70
At Johnnie Byrd, we DO NOT use some big name distillery's raw product, re-distill, then slap our own label on it. Every single batch is grain to glass. That means we are intimately involved with the product from start to finish, sourcing every single grain or raw product used, brewing all our own washes, choosing the perfect yeast strain and then distilling the final product. We are a small batch distillery, made by two hands that love every minute of the creation process. Our batch size is 30 to 100 bottles, so please bear with us as we try to keep up with your love for our product.
Special thanks to our friends at Regency Portraits for the perfect refresh to our website photos.